Root Canal Symptoms

on الأحد، 10 أغسطس 2014

 Root Canal Symptoms
The goal of the surgery:

Aims root canal treatment (root teeth) to treat the affected teeth, after the corrosion layers of this age are Tdriga- enamel, ivory and pulp. In most cases Age eroded as a result of the large number of cavities - the accumulation of bacterial plaque.

When penetrating caries layers Age of Foreign Affairs and up to Allb- which the inner layer, which contains the nerves and blood vessels, the only way to treat this condition before inflammation Age and damaged tissue bone age permanently, is by treating root canal Age: Open Age, removal of decay, remove the pulp and root canal cleaning, and in the end must Mullah Age with a special material are severely. The second is the possibility of treatment uproots Age. Symptoms that may indicate damage to the Age include pain, swelling of the face or neck, a hole in age, allergies or a cold, heat and swelling of periodontitis and others.

Preparation for the process:

In most cases, treatment is root canal under local anesthesia only, although he could do the surgery under general anesthesia. In some cases, this treatment can be done without resorting to numb the patient at all, in this case lost its vitality Age (due to damaged nerves do not sense there is a feeling of pain or any other).

Before doing the treatment must be done filming by dental X-rays (X-ray) and in some cases requires it to do, in particular, (panoramic image) in order to identify disease Age accurately. In people who are healthy do not need to conduct other tests. But patients who are more susceptible to infection endocarditis (Endocarditis) such as people with artificial valves and others, they must inform the dentist even provide them with a dose of antibiotics prior to treatment.

May be asked of people who suffer from disorders in blood clotting, a blood test to check and coagulation functions have before the surgery, so they are susceptible to bleeding.

The course of the surgery:

This is done in the dental clinic treatment aseptic conditions, a general dentist or dentist specializing in this treatment (Endodontist). In some cases, treatment lasts for more than one meeting, but many of the encounters therapeutic in the clinic.

The patient is injected with drugs localized area of semen processed, as is the case in all the usual dental treatments (sometimes be a need to expand the scope of anesthesia). The initial phase of treatment do include open enamel and remove the accumulated decay in age and those around him, through the tools, especially after it is removed layer tooth pulp, and are cleaned root canal in a comprehensive manner.

In case it was possible to end the session therapeutic treatment and one doctor introducing a special material to fill the root canal, which aims to prevent the proliferation of bacteria in the root of a new age. Then, the doctor blocked the Age normally (stuffing). In cases where the doctor decides the division of treatment on several sessions (for example, due to wait until the healing of inflammation based on the treatment site), your doctor will controling channel Age textured sterile and stuffing Age textured temporary, and are permanently dam age at an advanced stage. Each session lasts about an hour.

General risks of treatment:

Alty- in most cases, the infection superficial and treated topically, but in some rare cases may occur serious infection, which may reach the stream Dam- infection (Sepsis), and up to the heart valves leading to injury, infection endocarditis (Endocarditis) and others. In some rare cases be needed to open the area peridentales again to bring out the remains germ.

Nsep- mainly be in the area of ​​treatment due to exposure of this tissue to localized trauma. Bleeding may occur immediately after surgery or until 24 hours after the end of the operation, and in some rare cases bleeding may appear after several weeks and even months after the operation. This happens as a result of bleeding, ruptured a blood vessel in periodontitis. In cases where the bleeding is severe, be needed were drawing blood but this is rare.

Risks related to the most Altkhaddar- hypersensitivity symptoms of narcotic drugs (Allergic response). In some rare cases, there may be a dangerous drop in blood pressure (anaphylactic shock (Anaphylactic shock)).


Special risks:

Damage to the nerves in the channel of the Shan Alasb- this injury cause partial or total loss of the sense of Tam- rare.

Sensitivity to cold or heat in the oral cavity as a result of exposure to the root of the tooth.

Therapy after surgery:

There is no need to keep the patient under observation after the end of treatment. Must refrain from eating or drinking for two hours after the end of surgery, so the effect of the drug wear off.

After the end of the tooth root canal treatment is expected to be the patient feels pain in the treatment area, especially in the first days following the treatment, so you can use painkillers if there was a need. It is also expected to swell the treatment area for several days after the end of treatment.

May continue fumbling to cold or heat as a result of exposure to the root of the Age certain period of time but it will be temporary.

In order to get optimal results after surgery must be maintained on oral hygiene intensely including, rubbing the teeth to do, basically cleaning by dental floss in addition to special cleaning equipment.

Teeth that had received treatment root canal, may require rehabilitation process after the end of treatment, and this is by installing a body condom on age in order to protect it from decay (sometimes by the age of artificial), in order to prevent break Age or repeated infection, which It is possible to cause the loss of the tooth.

In the event there was a high degree of patient's temperature, severe pain, bleeding, or any discharge from the mouth must go immediately to the doctor. Sometimes the doctor advised to take antibiotics after dental root canal treatment, in case there was a localized infection or inflammation.

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