Orthostatic vital signs and normal average body

on الأحد، 10 أغسطس 2014

Orthostatic vital signs and normal average body

Orthostatic vital signs: are the signs from which you can see that the body or body functions in normal or not.
They Ka follows: 
 1 Pulse Pulse: a number of strokes or heart beats per minute.
Normal range = 60-80 beats / min .oyazdadend newborns.

Places pulse Body Sit of Pulse:

A) next to the Adam's apple (throat) Carotid.
B) in the upper arm muscle Brachial.
C) detailed in hand (wrist) Radial.
S) at the top of the thigh Femoral.
C) under the knee Popletial.

2) Temprature :- 

 A body temperature measured device called Althermhumicr Thermometer

Natural temperature = 37 plus or minus 5, half.

Sites measuring body temperature:
A) under the San Oral. B) the forehead (front)
And the children measured v) underarm Axilla. W) opened anal Anal. C) ear Ear.

3)  Respiration :-

 Is the number of times the inspiratory and expiratory

The normal rate is 14 plus or minus 2
Any sense of 12-16 / min

Palaces self less than 12 named Hypoventilation

An increase of more than 16 self-called Hyperventilation 

  4) Blood Pressur :-
 Is the amount of the heart to pump blood.

Normal range = 120/80
Or 120 plus or minus 10 to 80 plus or minus 10

It is measured by devices called the humerus handset Stethosope
And a pressure Sphegnomonometer.

This is the most important vital signs in the body, but there are other signs touching it
Quickly, as follows:

  # - The degree of awareness: Is the patient conscious or unconscious.
And are checked by the patient or move it or Aakadh asked.

# - The sensation of pain: and are checked by rubbing or tablet permission patient carefully Knit or a fist to the patient.

# -lon Skin:

-Color Red: indicates that high blood pressure
-Color Pale: the amount of blood as a result of the lack of hypotension.
-Color Blue: decrease the proportion of oxygen in blood.
-Color Yellow: a sign of liver disease.

# - Iris: known or narrow breadth of highlighting them.

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