on الأحد، 10 أغسطس 2014

 Dark circles appear to everyone, without exception, and the main reason is due to the appearance of dark circles under the eyes to several factors, including fatigue and to ensure the failure to regulate the hours of sleep in addition to the lack of some essential minerals and vitamins necessary.

Dark circles under the eye is a temporary problem and go away quickly if they were treating the cause of the appearance of dark circles and under eye circles, dark circles may be chronic in a few cases and requiring treatment.

Says Dr. Dr. Omar Rashad Consultant Cosmetic Surgery said of the reasons for the appearance of dark circles is also the sensitivity of the nose and the piece because of nasal congestion, which leads expansion in the veins, which pulls blood from the eye and swells and becomes the color dark and considered those veins close to the surface of the skin under the eye transparent in nature and thus show that blue veins in the form of dark circles under the eye.

Adds Dr. Omar that some diseases, such as liver and Alanima be the reason for the appearance of dark circles as well as some skin problems such as eczema and itching of the eye with the constant knowledge that the factor of aging contributes greatly to the appearance of those dark circles and under eye circles.

How can I treat dark circles

Explains Dr. Omar to treat dark circles unsatisfactory be plain and simple just follow some steps to help you get rid of dark circles, including:

- Careful eating fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C, especially such as oranges and kiwi and Aliossify

- Drink water frequently daily At least eight cups to expel toxins from the body

- Do not rub the eyelids strongly if there is some sensitivity in the eye and the piece because they lead to the destruction of the capillaries beneath the skin, which causes swelling of the eyelids and the color becomes tilted to brown.

- Uses of skin moisturizing creams that contain vitamin C and Alvahedroxy acids, which has been scientifically proven that it helps in the treatment of under eye puffiness and reduce the vast and must be placed on a daily basis regularly and for long periods to prevent the return of dark circles.

- Finally, careful to regulate the number of hours of sleep a day with as much as enjoy sufficient sleep so as not to hurt the skin becomes supple and bright.

Q. My daughter, who suffers from nasal allergies, has large dark circles under both eyes and my mother-in-law is saying she looks like someone has given her “black eyes” or “shiners”.  Why does she have these, and what causes them?
A: Nasal allergy  symptoms (allergic rhinitis) can really beat up some patients.  Dark circles under the eyes are due to swelling and discoloration from congestion of small blood vessels beneath the skin in this area.  This can give the appearance of having "gone a few rounds" on the playground.The symptoms of allergic rhinitis often produce a combination of gestures and facial features, particularly in children and teens.  The following are telltale characteristics that allergists look for to help diagnose nasal allergies:
  • Allergic salute:  This describes the way that most people use the palm of their hand to rub and raise the tip of their nose to relieve nasal itching and congestion (and possibly to wipe away some mucus)!
  • Allergic shiner:  As above
  • Allergic (adenoidal) face:  Nasal allergies may promote swelling of the adenoids (lymph tissue that lines the back of the throat and extends behind the nose), resulting in a sort of tired and droopy appearance.
  • Nasal crease:  This is a line across the bridge of the nose usually the result - particularly in children - of rubbing the nose (allergic salute) to relieve nasal congestion and itching.
  • Mouth breathing:  Cases of allergic rhinitis in which severe nasal congestion occurs can result in chronic mouth breathing, associated with the development of a high, arched palate, an elevated upper lip, and an overbite. (Teens with allergic rhinitis might end up needing braces.)Recent Question: Do Food Allergens Remain on Objects?

 Root Canal Symptoms
The goal of the surgery:

Aims root canal treatment (root teeth) to treat the affected teeth, after the corrosion layers of this age are Tdriga- enamel, ivory and pulp. In most cases Age eroded as a result of the large number of cavities - the accumulation of bacterial plaque.

When penetrating caries layers Age of Foreign Affairs and up to Allb- which the inner layer, which contains the nerves and blood vessels, the only way to treat this condition before inflammation Age and damaged tissue bone age permanently, is by treating root canal Age: Open Age, removal of decay, remove the pulp and root canal cleaning, and in the end must Mullah Age with a special material are severely. The second is the possibility of treatment uproots Age. Symptoms that may indicate damage to the Age include pain, swelling of the face or neck, a hole in age, allergies or a cold, heat and swelling of periodontitis and others.

Preparation for the process:

In most cases, treatment is root canal under local anesthesia only, although he could do the surgery under general anesthesia. In some cases, this treatment can be done without resorting to numb the patient at all, in this case lost its vitality Age (due to damaged nerves do not sense there is a feeling of pain or any other).

Before doing the treatment must be done filming by dental X-rays (X-ray) and in some cases requires it to do, in particular, (panoramic image) in order to identify disease Age accurately. In people who are healthy do not need to conduct other tests. But patients who are more susceptible to infection endocarditis (Endocarditis) such as people with artificial valves and others, they must inform the dentist even provide them with a dose of antibiotics prior to treatment.

May be asked of people who suffer from disorders in blood clotting, a blood test to check and coagulation functions have before the surgery, so they are susceptible to bleeding.

The course of the surgery:

This is done in the dental clinic treatment aseptic conditions, a general dentist or dentist specializing in this treatment (Endodontist). In some cases, treatment lasts for more than one meeting, but many of the encounters therapeutic in the clinic.

The patient is injected with drugs localized area of semen processed, as is the case in all the usual dental treatments (sometimes be a need to expand the scope of anesthesia). The initial phase of treatment do include open enamel and remove the accumulated decay in age and those around him, through the tools, especially after it is removed layer tooth pulp, and are cleaned root canal in a comprehensive manner.

In case it was possible to end the session therapeutic treatment and one doctor introducing a special material to fill the root canal, which aims to prevent the proliferation of bacteria in the root of a new age. Then, the doctor blocked the Age normally (stuffing). In cases where the doctor decides the division of treatment on several sessions (for example, due to wait until the healing of inflammation based on the treatment site), your doctor will controling channel Age textured sterile and stuffing Age textured temporary, and are permanently dam age at an advanced stage. Each session lasts about an hour.

General risks of treatment:

Alty- in most cases, the infection superficial and treated topically, but in some rare cases may occur serious infection, which may reach the stream Dam- infection (Sepsis), and up to the heart valves leading to injury, infection endocarditis (Endocarditis) and others. In some rare cases be needed to open the area peridentales again to bring out the remains germ.

Nsep- mainly be in the area of ​​treatment due to exposure of this tissue to localized trauma. Bleeding may occur immediately after surgery or until 24 hours after the end of the operation, and in some rare cases bleeding may appear after several weeks and even months after the operation. This happens as a result of bleeding, ruptured a blood vessel in periodontitis. In cases where the bleeding is severe, be needed were drawing blood but this is rare.

Risks related to the most Altkhaddar- hypersensitivity symptoms of narcotic drugs (Allergic response). In some rare cases, there may be a dangerous drop in blood pressure (anaphylactic shock (Anaphylactic shock)).


Special risks:

Damage to the nerves in the channel of the Shan Alasb- this injury cause partial or total loss of the sense of Tam- rare.

Sensitivity to cold or heat in the oral cavity as a result of exposure to the root of the tooth.

Therapy after surgery:

There is no need to keep the patient under observation after the end of treatment. Must refrain from eating or drinking for two hours after the end of surgery, so the effect of the drug wear off.

After the end of the tooth root canal treatment is expected to be the patient feels pain in the treatment area, especially in the first days following the treatment, so you can use painkillers if there was a need. It is also expected to swell the treatment area for several days after the end of treatment.

May continue fumbling to cold or heat as a result of exposure to the root of the Age certain period of time but it will be temporary.

In order to get optimal results after surgery must be maintained on oral hygiene intensely including, rubbing the teeth to do, basically cleaning by dental floss in addition to special cleaning equipment.

Teeth that had received treatment root canal, may require rehabilitation process after the end of treatment, and this is by installing a body condom on age in order to protect it from decay (sometimes by the age of artificial), in order to prevent break Age or repeated infection, which It is possible to cause the loss of the tooth.

In the event there was a high degree of patient's temperature, severe pain, bleeding, or any discharge from the mouth must go immediately to the doctor. Sometimes the doctor advised to take antibiotics after dental root canal treatment, in case there was a localized infection or inflammation.

Orthostatic vital signs, also called tilt or postural vital signs, measure blood pressure and pulse rate while patients are sitting, standing or in a supine position, lying face upward. The results of these measurements are used to assess possible volume depletion, such as with blood loss, vomiting, or diarrhea. Physicians use the results to determine if patients need further testing, intravenous fluid replacement therapy, or other forms of treatment.
The technique for taking orthostatic vital signs requires healthcare providers to take two sets of measurements. First, patients go into the supine position for one to three minutes before blood pressure and pulse readings are taken. Patients who are not feeling dizzy and are able to walk on their own can skip the sitting measurement and move right to standing. Those who are brought into a medical facility by ambulance or wheelchair or those suffering from dizziness are placed in a supported sitting position for the second reading. In order to ensure an accurate comparison, the orthostatic vital signs must be taken on the same arm during both measurements.

Orthostatic vital signs and normal average body

Orthostatic vital signs: are the signs from which you can see that the body or body functions in normal or not.
They Ka follows: 
 1 Pulse Pulse: a number of strokes or heart beats per minute.
Normal range = 60-80 beats / min .oyazdadend newborns.

Places pulse Body Sit of Pulse:

A) next to the Adam's apple (throat) Carotid.
B) in the upper arm muscle Brachial.
C) detailed in hand (wrist) Radial.
S) at the top of the thigh Femoral.
C) under the knee Popletial.

2) Temprature :- 

 A body temperature measured device called Althermhumicr Thermometer

Natural temperature = 37 plus or minus 5, half.

Sites measuring body temperature:
A) under the San Oral. B) the forehead (front)
And the children measured v) underarm Axilla. W) opened anal Anal. C) ear Ear.

3)  Respiration :-

 Is the number of times the inspiratory and expiratory

The normal rate is 14 plus or minus 2
Any sense of 12-16 / min

Palaces self less than 12 named Hypoventilation

An increase of more than 16 self-called Hyperventilation 

  4) Blood Pressur :-
 Is the amount of the heart to pump blood.

Normal range = 120/80
Or 120 plus or minus 10 to 80 plus or minus 10

It is measured by devices called the humerus handset Stethosope
And a pressure Sphegnomonometer.

This is the most important vital signs in the body, but there are other signs touching it
Quickly, as follows:

  # - The degree of awareness: Is the patient conscious or unconscious.
And are checked by the patient or move it or Aakadh asked.

# - The sensation of pain: and are checked by rubbing or tablet permission patient carefully Knit or a fist to the patient.

# -lon Skin:

-Color Red: indicates that high blood pressure
-Color Pale: the amount of blood as a result of the lack of hypotension.
-Color Blue: decrease the proportion of oxygen in blood.
-Color Yellow: a sign of liver disease.

# - Iris: known or narrow breadth of highlighting them.

Orthostatic vital signs are a series of vital signs of a patient taken while the patient is supine, then repeated sitting up, then again while standing. A variation is to check blood pressure and heart rate in supine and then standing positions only. The results are only meaningful if performed in the correct order (starting with supine position) Used to identify orthostatic hypotension orthostatic vital signs are commonly taken in triage medicine when a patient presents with vomiting, diarrhea or abdominal pain; with fever; with bleeding; or with syncope, dizziness or weakness. Orthostatic vital signs are not collected where spinal injury seems likely or where the patient is displaying an altered level of consciousness. Additionally, it is omitted when the patient is demonstrating hemodynamic instability, which term is generally used to indicate abnormal or unstable blood pressure but which can also suggest inadequate arterial supply to organs. Orthostatic vital signs are also taken after surgery.
A patient is considered to have orthostatic hypotension when the systolic blood pressure falls by more than 20 mm Hg, the diastolic blood pressure falls by more than 10 mm Hg, or the pulse rises by more than 20 beats per minute within 3 minutes of standing

Several neuron-behavioural effects of alcohol abuse (etoh abuse) have been related to the development of alcohol dependence. The pleasurable and stimulant effects of alcohol are mediated by a dopamine pathway projecting from the ventral segmental area to the nucleus encumbers. [2] Repeated, excessive alcohol ingestion sensitizes this pathway and leads to the development of dependence. Long-term exposure to alcohol causes adaptive changes in several neurotransmitter systems, including down-regulation of inhibitory neuronal gamma-aminobutyric acid receptors, up-regulation of excitation glutamate receptors, and increased central nor-epinephrine (noradrenaline) activity.

Discontinuation of alcohol ingestion leaves this excitatory state unopposed, resulting in the nervous system hyperactivity and dysfunction that characterize alcohol withdrawal. It has also been suggested that withdrawal symptoms intensify as withdrawal episodes grow in number, a phenomenon called 'kindling'.
Continuing to clarify the specific neurotransmitters associated with both the behavioral effects of alcohol and the development of alcohol dependence may yield potential targets for drug therapy to treat dependence.

I just wanted to share with you my experience with a patient I had the last two days I have worked, and get a little insight from all you nurses out there. First of all, I did not chose to specialize in drug and alcohol abuse as a feild because I do not like to care for individuals that suffer with drug and etoh addictions. I also do not feel I have the level of sympathy for these patients that I should. We have a handful of chronic abusers that come in, dry out, swear to change, and three months later they are back again. They mix rehab in here and there. I am pestimest usually when they tell me they are "never gonna touch it again"...I don't say so to the patient, and I try to be encouraging, but I "know" in the back of my mind I will see them again. I've also experience this with a few family members, and know the effects it has on the family first hand, which might cause some of my disdain for caring for people who abuse drugs/acohol.

But, I have had a patient over the last couple of days that makes me wonder. He has abused alcohol since he was a teenager, and he is in his fifty's (although, as goes it with their lifestyle, he's appearance and health makes him appear to be 70 at least). He has been with us for about 2 weeks now, being monitoring/treated because of a very poor cardiac status. I was bathing him the first day, and noted he had large bruised to his back, and lower abd. I asked him about the bruises, and he told me they occured when he was "drunk". This lead to a conversation about the abuse, and he admitted his had a great desire to quit. We talked about it a great deal. Yesterday, we cont talking about for about an hour, and we prayed together about it. He says he knows it will be hard, but he is determined to stop because he doesn't want to die and cont to hurt his family. He truely does seem desperate to give it up. Even says he wished he could remain hospitalized "till he dies" so he won't be tempted. He has even told his friends that he drinks with not to visit him now, or when he goes home. This patient, as far as I know, has never told another nurse he plans to quit (I have asked other nurses), and on some visits he has called a taxi at discharge to take him to the liquor store.

After all the years of abuse, and the state of his health being so poor, should I have realistic hope that he can quit? I have never personally seen anyone be able to do it, but I would really love for this man to be able to do so.

What is etoh abuse?

Etoh abuse is a term use for alcohol addicted people. ETOH stands for ethanol. It is a common term used in medical histories to designate alcoholic beverages. When combined in the term 'ETOH abuse', it usually refers to a patient's history of over consumption of alcoholic beverages such as beer or hard liquor.

Alcohol addiction or etoh abuse causes numerous overall health troubles. The most extreme and most significant dilemma is Cirrhosis of the liver. When this dilemma occurs, it is incurable. Other organs affected consist of the pancreas, stomach, throat, esophagus, and the brain. Excessive alcohol intake has been linked to cancers of these organs.

Signs and Symptoms of Etoh Abuse

etoh abuse
If an individual exhibits any of the manifestations of etoh abuse, this may be a sign that they have a problem with alcohol that is growing out of control. Additionally, an individual who abuses alcohol may not be able to control the amount that he drinks, may experience blackouts during drinking spells, or may become irritable or depressed when alcohol is not available. Other behaviors of concern include surreptitious drinking; binge drinking; hiding alcohol in unusual places around the home, at work or in the car; and frequent unexplained injuries.

Treatment of Etoh Abused Person

Successful treatment of alcohol abuse requires a multidisciplinary approach with services to meet an individual's psychological, social, medical and behavioral needs. Psychological services should be geared toward addressing the patient's motivation for drinking; any denial about her drinking problem should be faced directly. Social services for alcohol abusers include Alcoholics Anonymous or other self-help programs, religious services, and occupational programs to help reduce work stress in order to cut down on drinking.Social services for etoh abusers include Alcoholics Anonymous or other self-help programs, religious services, and occupational programs to help reduce work stress in order to cut down on drinking.

Ingested ethanol (EtOH) rapidly enters the bloodstream and freely enters various tissue compartments. Chronic ethanol ingestion and metabolism can lead to an altered cellular redox state due to increased production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) by Kupffer cells (KC) and translocation of bacteria and endotoxin (lipopolysaccharide, LPS). LPS signalling through Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) leads to the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines (tumour-necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) and interleukin-1beta (IL-1beta)) and chemokines (IL-8 and monocyte chemoattractant protein-1). These events are thought to be crucial in the development of chronic liver disease. Local production of TNF-alpha can also induce the local production of the suppressor of cytokine signalling 3 (SOCS3), which can inhibit STAT (signal transducers and activators of transcription) signalling and so lead to the resistance of alcoholic liver disease patients to type-I interferons. Ethanol also results in the loss of splenic and circulating T and B cells, partly through apoptosis. In the lung compartment, ethanol suppresses the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines by the alveolar macrophages (AM) and of IL-17 by T cells in lung tissue or bronchiole-associated lymphoid tissue (BALT), which results in a diminished cytokine/chemokine cascade and hence defective polymorphonuclear leukocyte (PMN) recruitment and host defence. NF-kappaB, nuclear factor-kappaB.